One of the new things on the wedding scene is Favor Candy Bars. You put candies in different containers and provide a container for the guest to choose the ones they like. To do this you need to choose 7-10 types of candies. Any less doesn't work that well I am told. So below are some ideas for containers. The suggestion would be to do candies in your wedding colors, like white scotch mints, black and red other candies, like m&ms or red lips or licorice, or jube jubes etc. Aunt Allyson suggested you check the Valentines candy that should be on sale now and see what is available if you want to do this kind of a thing as a thank you.

see the little organza bags along the front? Allyson got those from
Silver Mint Tins 300 @ 18.43

Organza Bag - Black, Burgundy, White or Ivory 300 @ 3x4 $34 or 4x6 $44

Sacchetto Black Favor Boxes 300 @ $93.78 CDN

Clear Plastic Pillow Box 3" x 4" 300 @ about $97.39 CDN

This is the most expensive one - Clear plastic Cone 300 @ about $108.00 CDN

Miniature Hersey's chocolate bars with specialized printed messages in your choice of color and design = cost of mini bars +.35 cdn/label if printed by someone else.